5. Q space conversion dialog


Fig. 5.1 Q space conversion dialog

This window lets you configure some parameters for the conversion from images to Q space:

The right panel allows to review the selected region of interest on the sample and the selected scan entries.

Click on Convert to start the conversion.

Once the conversion is done, a Q space item is added to the project tree. And the result is displayed in the Q sspace view.

Acq. Parameters



Beam energy

Energy of the beam, in eV

Direct beam

Position in pixels of the direct beam on the detector

Ch. per deg.

Channels per degree

Image Processing Parameters

All image processing steps are optional, check the corresponding check box to enable them.



Maxipix correction

Apply Maxipix detector module edges correction


Select a mask image to apply on input images. The image MUST have the same size as input detector images. Non zero value in the mask image discard the corresponding pixels.


Select the measurement to use for normalization.

Median filter

Set the size (width and height) of the median filter window.

Q space Parameters



Grid dimensions

Number of bins for each dimension of the Q space histogram.


Select the coordinate system of the QSpace histogram. Either Cartesian or Spherical.

The conversion from Cartesian to Spherical coordinates is as follows:

  • Radius: \(\sqrt(qx^2 + qy^2 + qz^2)\)

  • Roll (Phi) in degrees: \(degrees(\pi/2 - arctan2(qz, qy))\)

  • Pitch (Theta) in degrees: \(degrees(\pi/2 - arccos(qx/radius)\)