1. Starting X-SOCS

Once installed, you can run X-SOCS from the command line with:


or, alternatively with python -m xsocs.

This will open X-SOCS main window, with no project loaded.


Fig. 1.1 Main Window

You can then either:

Command line options

Some options are available from the command line:

usage: xsocs [--version|--help] <command> [<args>]

The xsocs commands are:
   concat     Concatenate multiple scans into one HDF5 master file
   gui        Open xsocs main Graphical User Interface
   help       Show help of the following command

See 'xsocs help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand

Graphical User interface

usage: xsocs gui [-h] [--numcores [NUMCORES]] [--no-3d] [project_file]

xsocs main graphical user interface

positional arguments:
  project_file          xsocs project file to open

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --numcores [NUMCORES]
                        Max number of processes to use (default: 8)
  --no-3d               Do not use OpenGL-based 3D visualization

Dataset concatenation

usage: xsocs concat [-h] [-o OUTPUT] files [files ...]

Concatenate multiple (partial) scans into a single HDF5 master file

positional arguments:
  files                 Name of HDF5 files to concatenate (at least 2)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Name of the master HDF5 file to create