
X-SOCS supports Python versions >= 3.8.

To install X-SOCS with minimal dependency (to use from scripts):

pip install xsocs [--user]

or with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge xsocs-base

To install X-SOCS with its graphical user interface dependencies:

pip install xsocs[gui] [--user]

or with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge xsocs

To install the current development version:

pip install --pre --find-links xsocs[gui] [--user]


The --user optional argument installs X-SOCS for the current user only.


The dependencies of X-SOCS are:

In addition, OpenGL 2.1 is required for the 3D view of the QSpace.

Installing from source

Clone the source repository:

git clone

Or download the source as a zip file and unzip it.

Then go into the xsocs directory:

cd xsocs

And install xsocs either with minimal dependency (to use from scripts):

pip install . [--user]

or with all graphical user interface dependencies:

pip install .[gui] [--user]

Developping xsocs

First clone the repository (see Installing from source). Then install X-SOCS in “editable” mode with its development dependencies with:

pip install -e .[dev]

Running the tests

Once X-SOCS is installed, run its tests with:

python -c "import sys, xsocs.test; sys.exit(xsocs.test.run_tests(verbosity=3))"

Generating the documentation

From the project’s directory with the same version of X-SOCS installed, run:

sphinx-build doc/ build/html